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less noise, more you. 
A 6-week online course designed to redefine the story of your life, rewrite the relationship to yourself and experience life as more of who you truly are. 

By the end of this course, you will know how to trust your inner compass, fortify your self-belief, and live life more empowered, courageous and true.

are you ready to transform







You are in the right place if...

You are tired of hiding and playing small and long to explore your potential as a truly empowered woman.

Constantly putting others' needs before your own has become exhausting, and you're determined to change that - for good!

You are tired of your emotions and monkey mind running the show and keeping you stuck in past patterns that you KNOW don't serve you. 

You are done with second-guessing and constantly doubting yourself and ready for self-belief and confidence to lead the way.

You know there is more to your life than just following unspoken rules and expectations that don't align with your purpose. 

You are tired of the constant pressure you put yourself under and you're ready to invite more ease and joy into your life - fulls trusting that you are worthy of it all. 

if this is you

I know that you are craving self-belief, self-confidence and courage that grants you the freedom to lead a life more empowered.

I see you...

You’ve invested considerable time searching for confidence in external pursuits, whether in achievements, appearances, or the endless scroll of distraction.


It’s a journey we've all embarked upon, believing that external validations could fill the void within.

But here's the truth:

No amount of external success, societal checkboxes, or superficial fixes can truly satisfy the longing for genuine self-belief.


Because true embodied empowerment is not a prize awarded for completing a checklist; it’s a state of being cultivated from within.

The quest for true empowerment requires radical honesty and responsibility for dismantling the confines of limiting beliefs, breaking free from self-sabotaging cycles, and addressing the wounds that challenge your sense of self-worth.

I see you...

You are craving authenticity and alignment, you seek a way of living that honors your deepest truth and passions.


The relentless pressure to meet external expectations, to prioritize everyone else before yourself, has drained you.


And right now, you are standing at a crossroad, ready to reclaim your power and step into your fullest potential.

The only question is...

are you taking the first step?



Cultivate unshakable trust in your intuition, decisions, and unique path, confidently flowing through life.


Strengthen the foundation of self-belief, rewriting the narrative that once held you back and fostering boundless self-confidence.


Redefine goals, desires, and priorities, consciously creating a life that resonates authentically with your true essence.



less noise, more you. 

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is a 6-week online course designed to redefine the story of your life and rewrite the relationship to yourself to experience life as more of who you truly are.

By the end of this course, you know how to trust your inner compass, fortify your self-belief, and live a life more empowered.


This course goes beyond surface-level changes, guiding you through your intricate inner realms of self-trust, belief, and the creation of a life deeply connected to your authentic self.


Over these six empowering weeks, we'll delve into the landscape of your inner world, rewriting the narrative that has shaped your experiences thus far. The goal is to assist you in settling into a life characterized by self-belief, trust, confidence and courage.


This program isn't about achieving external success; it's about harmonizing external success with your internal fulfillment. As you navigate the path of "LevelUp," you'll acquire invaluable tools to trust yourself implicitly, believe in your unique power, and craft a life that authentically reflects more of who you truly are.

It is time to meet and fully embody your next-level Self! 

This journey enabled me to connect with my heart, my inner truth, my needs and my desires. Sabrina helped me to be very clear about what is blocking me and how I can turn things around. I can say that I am much more independent now and can experience inner satisfaction and worthiness. So thankful for this enlightment and Sabrina‘s guidance.Thank you Sabrina for your love, passion, professionalism and all the tools you gave us!



You Ride Life's Waves with Unshakeable Trust:

Picture yourself confidently riding life's waves, meeting rough patches and triggers head-on, armed with a deep trust in your own surfing skills.

You Start Loving On Yourself:

Swap out the harsh self-critic for a warm, compassionate and loving relationship with yourself.. Imagine a comforting, cozy blanket of self-acceptance and compassion, making you feel at home within yourself.

You Believe in You, Unapologetically:

Forge an unwavering bond with your intuition, decisions, and the distinctive journey you're on. Picture yourself gliding through life with a rock-solid trust in yourself, seamlessly navigating the twists and turns.

You Create A Life Aligned To Your Core:

Revamp your aspirations, dreams, and priorities, deliberately constructing a life that harmonizes authentically with your essence. See yourself painting a vibrant picture of a life that resonates deeply with who you truly are.

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You Equip Your Inner Toolbox:

Assemble a toolkit that becomes your steadfast companion, providing the essential instruments to anchor yourself amid life's storms. Envision having a set of practices and resources that keep you grounded and centered, ensuring you're ready to face any challenge with resilience and poise.

She is dyingto meet you...

There is a future version of yourself, standing tall in a story rewritten by resilience, self-belief, and undeniable confidence.

She knows how to meet herself and life's twists and turns with kindness and compassion and the utmost trust in

her ability to hold and lead herself through all of it. 

In her eyes, self-love is a guiding light and authenticity is her language.

She honors and prioritizes her needs and boundaries.

She speaks her truth courageously.

She listens to her intuition, her sense of inner knowing.

She moves forward with courage and convition, knowing that life will reveal her path.

She allows herself to be seen in her strengths, unique talents, as well as her moments of chaos and turmoil

- knowing that all of her is loved. 

She trusts in herself and life. 

She is your next-level Self, dying to meet you.


As she extends her hand and inviting you on this transformative journey, can you feel the magnetic pull

toward the woman you are destined to become?

Are you taking her hand? 

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Level Up is not just a course; it's an invitation to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation.


Why is it so powerful?


Because, armed with the tools, frameworks, and processes woven into every module, you're not just learning; you're evolving, you are leveling up.


It's about cultivating a deep connection with your inner landscape, navigating life's challenges with unwavering trust, and embracing the ever-changing dance of this human experience - holding space for both, the magic and the practicalities in life.

Quite literally, Level Up connects you to a reality where you meet your next-level Self, the one that is more You than anything else. 

It's about rising above self-doubt, rewriting the narratives that have held you back, and stepping into a life where self-belief is your guiding force.

Picture this: You, equipped with the resilience to regulate your emotions, thoughts, and nervous system responses. Imagine the ripple effect when you not only recognize your worth but embody it effortlessly.


That's the magic of Level Up – a journey of continuously uncovering more of who you are -  your next-level self emerges as the true protagonist of your story.

The Level Up Framework




Establish a foundation of inner safety and self-trust by addressing emotional wounds, anxiety, and self-doubt.


  • Nervous System Regulation: Learn tools for regulating the nervous system.

  • Emotional Mastery: Develop skills for mastering emotions.

  • Shadow Work and Parts Work: Uncover and integrate aspects of the subconscious.

  • Integration Practices: Utilize practices to ground experiences in the body.

You Get:

  • 4 Video Coaching Lessons

  • 3 Integration Practices

  • Weekly Journal Prompts




Cultivate inner freedom by transforming self-criticism, self-sabotage, and unworthiness into confidence and self-expression.


  • Visionary Manifestation: Learn the art of holding a powerful vision, understanding the nuances of the creative process.

  • Subconscious Reprogramming: Explore techniques for rewiring the subconscious.

  • Dream Big: Understand the skill of opening yourself up to your true (vs. borrowed) desires and embody the archetype of the creatrix.

  • Integration Practices: Utilize practices to ground experiences in the body.

You Get:

  • 5 Video Coaching Lessons

  • 2 Integration Assignments

  • 4 Integration Practices

  • Weekly Journal Prompts




Receive the blueprint for settling into soul-nourishing fulfillment, aligning with your purpose, and embodying visionary leadership. 


  • Self-Leadership: Learn how to truly lead and navigate the depths of your mind to align with your true essence.

  • Embody Your Vision: Explore the principles of true embodiment and how it builds the foundation of your vision. 

  • Integration Practices: Utilize practices to ground experiences in the body.

You Get:

  • 4 Video Coaching Lessons

  • 2 Integration Assignments

  • 3 Integration Practices

  • Weekly Journal Prompts

  • Closing Reflection Practice

and unlock immediate access to 




Embark on a transformative journey within the online learning hub. Delve into a wealth of resources, including videos and audio coachings, assignments, meditations, journal prompts, and embodiment practices - all accessible for a lifetime.


Every 7 days will unveil a week's worth of content, serving as your ever-expanding toolkit. Consider it a repository of wisdom empowering you not just for the program duration but throughout your ongoing journey, supporting you in navigating new chapters and overcoming future challenges.

Live Community calls and Coaching & Mentorship support with Sabrina where you have the chance to connect, ask questions, and get laser coaching directly from Sabrina customized to your needs.

By the end of this course, you will

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embrace emotional mastery + a regulated nervous system

Navigate your emotions with resilience and maturity, creating a sense of inner peace and grounded stability.

ignite self-belief

Shatter the chains of self-doubt, insecurity and playing small, rewriting the narrative that once held you back to one that allows you to level up.

shatter limiting beliefs

Reprogram your subconscious to break through self-sabotaging patterns, allowing you to play big and authentically in your life.

step into true embodied empowerment

Experience what it means to lead a life inspired by trust, confidence and courage - truly empowered.


Your Financial Investment

*incl. 19% VAT


will the sessions be live?

I ran this offering as a live group programme twice and have now turned it into a fully self-paced online course to make it even more accessible for you! 

Over the course of 6 weeks, you will receive weekly updates of content, video lessons, practices and so much more that will guide you through a deeply transformational journey. 

do I keep access to the course?

Yes, you are given lifetime access to the course. Which I know is extremely valuable as some of my alumnis have been going through this programme multiple times already. 

will I have the option to add 1-1 coaching with you?

This course is a beautiful entry point to experience my work - and you have the option for 1-1 coaching with me during or after to further support and elevate their journey. If you feel called to work more intimately with me, there is options. So let's chat! 

what if I need to take a break?

Since this course is fully self-paced and you are granted lifetime access, you can take a break whenever you need to, absolutely no problem. 

how much time will I need for the programme?

Level Up is designed for the course of 6 weeks. However, the online course is fully self-paced and if you need more space you are at full liberty to do that.

If you are committed to moving through the course in its original 6 weeks, I'd schedule about 2hours/week for it.

will I be able to connect with you and the other women outside of the course?

Short answer: yes!  The online plattform allows you to leave comments, ask questions and you can of course always reach out to me directly. 

want to know more?

This journey enabled me to connect with my heart, my inner truth, my needs and my desires. Sabrina helped me to be very clear about what is blocking me and how I can turn things around. I can say that I am much more independent now and can experience inner satisfaction and worthiness. So thankful for this enlightment and Sabrina‘s guidance.Thank you Sabrina for your love, passion, professionalism and all the tools you gave us!


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